Crop Production Forecasts

Available Crop Production Products

GDA production forecasts provide a crop type specific end-of-season production forecast per administrative sub-national unit for the current growing season and its comparison to historical production statistics. GDA production forecasts rely on GDA yield forecasts and crop area assessments. Production statistics are presented in tabular, graphic, and map forms.

To accommodate the various informational and usage requirements of the clients, GDA offers two efficient and easy-to-use interfaces to its online crop production forecast service: a website interface that allows clients to run customized crop production forecasts at any time on demand, and a crop production forecast reporting service that delivers consolidated executive-summary forecasts on a pre-determined schedule.

GDA provides crop-related intelligence data products for all major regions across the globe for all major commodity crops. This data is derived from sophisticated analysis of domestic and international crops with satellite imagery. GDA production forecasts are supported by a proprietary global crop database that includes historical statistics and constantly updated current data from across the globe.

GDA focuses on operational delivery of analytical intelligence that improves the timeliness and accuracy of current and projected crop commodity information.

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