
GDA Corp. provides product and service technology solutions to government, organizations and corporations. Browse a sample list of recent projects and R&D directions:

CASACloud And Shadow Assessment—Software: “Automated Feature Extraction in Medium and High Resolution VNIR Imagery”

TOPONORMTopographic Normalization of Satellite Imagery: “A Novel, fully automated approach to topographic normalization which simulates the non-lambertian behavior of the surface and eliminates the need for Minneart constants”

RAMM-DST—Remote Sensing-based Decision Support Tools for Rapid environmental Assessment, Monitoring and Management: “Bridging the gap between RS data providers and applicational users”

USFEUnder Shadow Feature Enhancement in Remote Sensed Data: “Automated detection of shadows and under shadow features, shadow depth modeling in order to remove shadows and enhance features”

RASTA-DSTDecision Support Tools for Remotely sensed Agricultural STAtistcs: “Automated Extraction of Crop Area Statistics from Medium-Resolution Imagery”

FPGA—Complex Image Processing algorithm acceleration through Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA): “An FPGA implementation of Object-based Feature Extraction Image Processing algorithms”

TIMESTAND—An automated software for Radiometric Standardization of multiple scenes for analysis and mosaicing

GAPFILL—An automated software for detection of data loss areas in imagery and data gap filling

STREAM TRACE— A Semi-Automated GIS Expert System for Delineation of Stream networks and Intelligent Generation of Riparian Buffers in High-Resolution Imagery: “Geospatial techniques to align vector and image raster data in the presence of spatial mismatch and obscured data scenarios”

LC MAP— Mapping Riparian Buffers and their Land Cover with Certainty

RBMapper— A Semi-Automated GIS Expert System for Land Cover Mapping of Riparian Buffers with High-Resolution Imagery