Riparian Buffer Mapper

A Semi-Automated GIS Expert System for Land Cover Mapping of Riparian Buffers with High-Resolution Imagery

Update: (06/25/2007)

The installer for version 1.2.9, is available here. This installer can be used to update any existing RBMapper installations to version 1.2.9, or can be used to install a standalone demo version.

The list of changes from version 1.0 to version 1.2.9 can be viewed here.

The above file does not contain the tutorial imagery, ancillary DEM and water datasets required for full functionality; to obtain these, please contact GDA at

The user manual can be viewed here.

A step-by-step tutorial on using the RBMapper software can be viewed here.

A form to request an unlocked copy of the above software can be found at the bottom of the page.

The Riparian Buffer Mapper (RBMapper) software package has been developed by GDA Corp. with support from the Chesapeake Bay Program Office (CBPO) – USGS and CBPO – USDA Forest Service. The current version of the RBMapper combines GDA technologies from the LC MAP and STREAM-TRACE projects. It is a working prototype of a highly automated GIS expert system for riparian buffer delineation and land cover mapping with high resolution imagery (HRI). The system requires very limited user training and fulfills the need for specialized GIS tools to improve the accuracy of riparian buffer delineation and inventory and to simplify the analysis of HRI.

HRI is required to accurately map and track riparian buffers. Existing approaches to mapping riparian buffers commonly rely on disparate sources of spatial information, including water datasets digitized from DOQQs and topomaps and land cover information obtained through the analysis of less detailed, medium resolution imagery. The resulting spatial datasets typically have different resolutions and levels of accuracy, and represent different acquisition/generation dates. This leads to spatial misrepresentation of water features, riparian buffers, and land cover estimates in the final analytical results. The RBMapper overcomes limitations of current state-of-the-art schemes by directly analyzing the HRI and generating results that match the resolution and date of the analyzed HRI.

The RBMapper analytical capabilities rely on digital HRI such as space-borne data from Space Imaging / GeoEye LLC (Ikonos and OrbView sensors) and Digital Globe LLC (QuickBird sensor) and air-borne data from the ADS40 camera.

The RBMapper system exploits spectral, spatial, and contextual information present in the imagery to identify four land cover types (water, herbaceous vegetation, woody vegetation, and bare ground) as well as clouds and cloud shadows. RBMapper also utilizes ancillary hydrological vector datasets and raster Digital Elevation Model (DEM) to help identify narrow stream corridors. Two options for riparian buffer delineation are provided: two-dimensional Euclidean distance assuming a flat surface and three-dimensional Euclidean distance accounting for topographic relief. To ensure performance accuracy, the system allows for in-process inspection and editing of the results by the image analyst and the integration of expert knowledge for further data analysis.

The RBMapper outputs a land cover map of riparian buffers and a text report with land cover statistics.

The CD-ROM with the RBMapper prototype version 1.0 software includes a set of ancillary datasets for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed area. The datasets include a raster, 30 meter resolution DEM, a vector line 1:24,000 scale hybrid Digital Line Graph (DLG) / National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) water dataset, and a vector polygon 1:24,000 scale hybrid DLG/NHD water dataset. The datasets are 420MB, 400MB, and 200MB in size, respectively.

A prototype software package, RBMapper, has been provided to a number of users associated with the Chesapeake Bay Program. While still in a prototype stage, this software provides a variety of capabilities which allow the user to more quickly and accurately assess vegetation and forest cover in riparian buffer areas.

To unlock a demo copy of this software, please contact GDA Corp. using the form below. The installed software will provide your product key in an informational dialog when it is first run.




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Product Key:

How/for what do you plan to use RBMapper?

Please direct your questions and comments about the RBMapper software, RBMapper licensing, and GDA services for riparian buffer delineation and land cover mapping to (email) or 814-237-4060 (tel.).