Executive Bios
Dr. Stephanie M. Hulina, President and Senior Scientist
Dr. Hulina is President and Senior Scientist at GDA Corp. Her expertise and knowledge are in spatial statistics, GIS/RS data modeling, and image processing and analysis. Dr. Hulina has over 10 years of experience working with GIS and image processing systems and a range of commercial and public remotely sensed data, and has worked in numerous professional capacities within the geospatial industry.
Dr. Hulina’s previous job related experience includes positions as both Business Development Manager and Project Manager at Harvard Design & Mapping Company (HDM). Within these capacities at HDM, she was responsible for project and contract management, client relationships, intra- / inter-agency coordination, strategic planning, marketing analysis, proposal development, and system integration planning. Dr. Hulina has also worked for several years as an on-site contractor through SSAI, Inc. at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. In her capacity as Senior Scientist within the Earth Science and Public Health Initiative, she aided in the development of advanced spatial models and algorithms for malaria risk prediction mapping utilizing NASA EOS satellite systems.
Stephanie also held the position of Research Associate as a part-time employee for seven years at the Clark Labs for Cartographic Technology and Geographic Analysis, a non-profit GIS and image processing software company which produces and sells the world- renowned Idrisi software. She was a visiting Scientist to the Harvard School of Public Health in 1998 and provided expert GIS and Remote Sensing advice to a team of epidemiologists and infectious disease physicians. Stephanie also worked at the U.S. EPA in Washington, D.C. for 2 years. She has been involved as either PI or Co-I on a number of RS and GIS projects including a NASA SBIR Phase I and II on “Automated, Universal Software for Cloud and Cloud Shadow Detection in RS Data” and a HHS/CDC SBIR I and II on “A GIS-based system for Rapid Population Assessment in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies (CHE).”
Stephanie holds M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Geography (with emphases on GIS and Remote Sensing) from Clark University, and a B.S. from The Pennsylvania State University.
Dr. Dmitry L. Varlyguin, Vice President and Chief Scientist
Dr. Varlyguin is Vice President & Chief Scientist at GDA Corp. He has over 15 years of experience working with GIS and image processing systems and a range of commercial and public remotely sensed data. Dr. Varlyguin’s previous job related experience includes the position of Research Scientist at the University of Maryland, College Park, the Clark Labs for Cartographic Technology and Geographic Analysis, the George Perkins Marsh Institute, and the Russian Academy of Sciences, in Moscow, Russia. His research interests include: automated analysis of Remotely Sensed data, combined spectral, spatial, and contextual image processing, and the design of iterative, self-learning expert systems.
He has been involved as either PI or Co-I on a number of RS and GIS projects. Some of these include: Automated extraction of crop area statistics from RS data (USDA/FAS, PI), MODIS-based products for operational decision support (NASA, PI), mapping global vegetation cover and global primary production (NOAA, PI), land cover mapping and change detection for central West Siberia (NASA, PI) and the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (UMD/RESAC), spatial modeling of environmental factors affecting outbreaks of vector-borne infectious diseases for the Harvard School of Public Health, examining the effects of lateral shading on the long-term dynamics of tropical rain forest canopies using photogrammetry (NSF), Human Environment Research Observatory for Central Massachusetts—(HERO-CM) (Project Manager), and Woods Hole Ecosystem Center of the Marine Biological Laboratories, MA - G.P. Marsh Institute project "World Bioproductivity Map Data” (PI).
Dr. Varlyguin received his B.S. and M.S. from Moscow State University and his Ph.D. from Clark University in Worcester, MA.
Dr. Paul T. Hulina, Chief Technology Officer
Dr. Hulina is Chief Technology Officer at GDA Corp. After working in industry several years, Dr. Hulina returned to Penn State where he currently holds academic appointments in both the Electrical Engineering and the Computer Science and Engineering Departments. Dr. Hulina has served as a consultant to government and industry over a 30 year period. During the last 10 years, Dr. Hulina has served as Director of the Computer Engineering Program at Penn State, as a Visiting Scientist at the National Science Foundation, and as Director of the Center for Electronic Design, Communication and Computing. As a Center Director, Dr. Hulina has been responsible for providing both technical and administrative guidance for numerous hardware/software projects for both government and industry. Dr. Hulina received his B.S. from The Carnegie Institute of Technology and his M.S. and Ph.D. from The Pennsylvania State University, all in the Electrical Engineering field with emphasis in the digital systems and the computer architecture area.
Mr. George Beylouny, Chief Business Advisor
Mr. Beylouny is Chief Business Advisor at GDA Corp. Mr. Beylouny has over thirty years of experience as a senior executive with P&L responsibilities with companies ranging from multi-million entrepreneurial hi-tech, to multi-billion conglomerates. His expertise is strategic and financial planning, marketing and operations management. He holds a BBA from The City College of New York and an Executive MBA from Emory University.