News & Upcoming Events

March 2009:

GDA will be attending and presenting at the ASPRS 2009 Annual Conference in Baltimore, MD from March 9th-March 13th.

November 2008:

GDA will be attending and presenting at the 17th Annual William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium in Denver, CO from November 18th-November 21st.

October 2008:

GDA Corp. wins a USDA SBIR Phase 2 Award for "An Advanced Information System for Timely Assessments of International Crop Market Opportunities"

October 2008:

GDA Corp. map of Iraq 2008 small grain areas gets published in Earth Imaging Journal within the GEOINT 2008 Applications Showcase Section. Click here for the insert (3 MB).

October 2008:

GDA Corp. technology is featured in the October 2008 issue of Military Geospatial Technology Magazine. For the "Eye on the Farm" article, click here (10 MB).

September 2008:

GDA will present 2 papers at ASPRS 2009 in Baltimore, MD in March 2009 and will be co-exhibiting with our business partners ASRC MS and Global Marketing Insights, Inc.

September 2008:

GDA to present at the 3rd Annual Resourcesat-1 Data Seminar, sponsored by ASRC MS and the USDA FAS. This year’s Seminar theme is: "Integrating ResourceSat-LISS and AWiFS Data into Multi-Sensor Solutions" and will take place Monday, October 20, and Tuesday, October 21, 2008, Greenbelt Marriott - Greenbelt, MD. GDA's presentation is titled "The use of ResourceSat imagery for regional analysis." [Agenda]

September 2008:

GDA to present at the Soya Summit 2008 Luncheon on September 18 sponsored by Dow AgroSciences. The presentation is titled “The Use of Remotely Sensed Data for Agribusiness Intelligence”. []

August 2008:

GDA Corp. is awarded a joint SBIR Phase III contract from the USDA Forest Service and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to continue development of a GIS Expert System for Land Cover, Impervious Surfaces, and Urban Tree Cover mapping and inventory, and Riparian Buffer delineation with high resolution imagery. The new version will expand the Remote Sensing datasets to include color infrared (CIR) orthophotography and pansharpened satellite imagery. Previous contracts utilized high resolution imagery to resolve stream networks, delineate stream buffers and perform within buffer land cover mapping.

August 2008:

Press Release: GDA provides Myanmar flood severity and recovery maps to UN organization to aid in humanitarian flood relief efforts. GDA has signed a Product Use Agreement with UNOSAT to allow UNOSAT a non commercial use and distribution of GDA spatial data products on recent 2008 Myanmar Cyclone Nargis Flood. GDA data will contribute to UNOSAT humanitarian flood relief efforts in Myanmar. GDA made free-of-charge donation of its flood map data products depicting impact of Cyclone Nargis (May 02, 2008) on the country of Myanmar to the Northwest Response Team, of Seattle, WA in order to aid in the analysis of pre- and post- event ground conditions and flood impact on the rice areas. The donation includes three Flood Severity maps for (1) May 07, 2008, (2) May 23, 2008, and (3) May 30, 2008 and three Flood Recovery Maps for the time period from (1) May 07 to May 23, 2008, (2) May 07 to May 30, 2008, and (3) May 23 to May 30, 2008. GDA flood products are derived from sophisticated analysis of multi-temporal satellite imagery. GDA offers rapid flood mapping services and detailed assessments of flood severity, post-flood recovery, and flood impact on croplands. GDA products provide spatially explicit information on flood events and conditions in timely, reliable, and cost effective manner for better decision making, emergency response and reduction of human and economic losses.

August 2008:

GDA will be attending the Annual ESRI International User Conference, August 5-8, 2008, at the San Diego, CA Convention Center. Find us at booth #1900 where we will be co-exhibiting with Global Marketing Insights, Inc. and ASRC MS. Live demos on the Plasma screen of ResourceSat imagery applications!

July 2008:

GDA will be providing the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, Office of Global Analysis (OGA), International Production Assessment Division, IPAD (formally known as PECAD) with an annual online yield forecast service. To accommodate the various informational and usage requirements of USDA FAS, GDA will offer two efficient and easy-to-use interfaces to its online yield forecast service: a website interface that allows clients to run customized yield forecasts at any time on demand, and a yield forecast reporting service that delivers consolidated executive-summary yield forecasts on a pre-determined schedule. [Press Release]

May 2008:

GDA to give three presentations at ASPRS in Portland OR titled "Automated extraction of predefined features from the imagery", “A GIS Expert System for Mapping Invasive Species with High-Resolution Imagery”, and “An Advanced Web Information System for Timely Assessments of International Crop Market Opportunities”

January 2008:

GDA Corp. is awarded a one year contract to develop a GIS Expert System for Mapping Invasive Cordgrass (hybridized Spartina alterniflora) in the San Francisco Estuary by the Invasive Spartina Project (ISP). The ISP is funded by the CALFED Bay-Delta Program, United States Fish and Wildlife Service Coastal Program, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, and the California State Coastal Conservancy.

November 2007:

GDA to present at the USDA—FAS/IPAD ResourceSat Seminar featuring Resource Sat AWiFS and LISS Data, Tuesday, November 27, 2007, Greenbelt, MD (“Operational Information Extraction from P6-AWiFS Imagery”)

May 2007:

GDA Corp. has recently become a prime vendor on the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation Management Services Prime Vendor Contract for the USDA. [Press Release]

May 2007:

GDA Corp. wins a USDA SBIR Phase 1 Award for “An Advanced Information System for Timely Assessments of International Crop Market Opportunities” Project abstract coming soon!

March 2007:

GDA Corp. to present at The Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop to be held March 20-22, 2007 at the Marriott Fairfax at Fair Oaks, Fairfax, Virginia

January 2007:

GDA Corp. wins a NASA SBIR Phase 2 Award for “Automated Extraction of Crop Area Statistics from Medium-Resolution Imagery” [Abstract] [Article]

January 2007:

GDA Corp. releases version 1.7 of CASA-AWiFS for automated, per-pixel cloud and cloud shadow detection. For more information on CASA, see the [CASA project] page.

December 2006:

GDA Corp. releases RBMapper prototype version 1.0, a semi-automated GIS Expert System for Land Cover Mapping of Riparian Buffers with High-Resolution Imagery. [RBMapper]

Dr. Varlyguin to present RBMapper at Coastal GeoTools 2007 Conference in March 2007.

October 2006:

GDA Corp. has been awarded a contract with the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) on "A Pilot Study to Validate the Prototype CASA-AWiFS Cloud Detection System for USDA / NASS Operational Activities." For more information on CASA, see the [CASA project] page.

August 2006:

GDA Corp. is awarded an I-99 KIZ Micro Grant from the PA Department of Community and Economic Development for product development, process enhancement and system innovation.

July 2006:

GDA Corp. has been awarded a Cooperative Agreement with NASA’s Technology Development & Transfer Office at Stennis Space Center to extend the GDA Corp. CASA algorithms for cloud detection to Indian Remote Sensing (IRS)-P6 Advanced Wide Field Sensor (AWiFS) data. The NASA Dual Use project will serve as a testbed to design, develop, and validate the CASA algorithms for AWiFS imagery. It will also allow GDA Corp. to identify steps towards the development of a commercial-grade AWiFS version of the CASA cloud detection system. For more information on CASA, see the [CASA project] page.

June 2006:

GDA Corp. wins second consecutive SBIR Phase III award from the USDA Forest Service to extend our automated feature detection work to the intelligent generation of riparian buffers and within buffer land cover mapping with high resolution imagery. [LC MAP project]

GDA Corp. wins a SBIR Phase III award from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to extend our automated feature detection work to stream buffer delineation. [STREAM TRACE]

May 2006:

Dr. Varlyguin to present at ASPRS 2006 Annual Conference in Reno, Nevada

March 2006:

Dr. Varlyguin to present at The Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop to be held March 14-16, 2006, at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wildlife Visitors Center, Laurel, Maryland.

Dr. Hulina to present at SBIR workshop as a Success Story panelist [Agenda] [Article]

February 2006:

GDA Corp. releases version 1.3 of CASA-Landsat and CASA-Ikonos for automated, per-pixel cloud and cloud shadow detection.

November 2005:

GDA Corp. wins a NASA SBIR Phase 1 Award for “Automated Extraction of Crop Area Statistics from Medium-Resolution Imagery” [Abstract] [Article]

June 2005:

GDA Corp. to present “Topographic Normalization of Landsat-class imagery with SRTM data” at The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission – Data Validation and Applications Workshop June 14-16, 2005 Reston, Virginia, USA

January 2005:

GDA Corp. changes its name from SMH Consulting to GDA Corp. (Geospatial Data Analysis Corporation)

June 2004:

GDA Corp. is named as a Ben Franklin Finalist for the Biz Plan Contest proposing a “Near Real-Time Land Cover Monitoring and Rapid Change Assessment System”

November 2004:

Dr. Hulina to present at The Civil Commercial Imagery Evaluation Workshop to be held November 8-10, 2004 at the U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia.

October 2004:

GDA Corp. (formerly, SMH Consulting) wins a NASA SBIR Phase 1 Award for
“MODIS-Based Products for Operational Decision Support Systems”

May 2004:

GDA Corp. becomes a tenant in the Innovation Park Incubator Program at Penn State University [Innovation Park] [Incubator Program]

October 2003:

GDA Corp. (formerly, SMH Consulting) wins a NASA SBIR Phase 2 Award for “Automated, Universal Software for Cloud and Cloud Shadow Detection in Remotely Sensed Data” [NASA Listing] [Press Release]

November 2002:

GDA Corp. (formerly, SMH Consulting) wins a NASA SBIR Phase 1 Award for “Automated, Universal Software for Cloud and Cloud Shadow Detection in Remotely Sensed Data” [NASA Listing] [Press Release]